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Aerial view of Hopkins Marine Station

Studying at Stanford Hopkins Marine Station

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Roughly half of the Ocean's Department faculty members are based at the Stanford Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey Bay. As a leader in marine science since 1892, these labs take local research to field sites around the world in order to address important scientific questions at organizational scales from DNA to ecosystems. This vast array of research includes the physiology and biomechanics of plants and animals, their development and evolution, and how plants and animals interact with each other, their environments, and society. The station is home to 9 diverse labs, which include full-time graduate students and postdocs, and undergraduates in winter, spring and summer quarters. 

Learn more about Hopkins Marine Station


Studying at Hopkins as an undergraduate can take many forms, from commuting down weekly for a class, participating in a summer internship or spending a full quarter in residence in Monterey. Students from all backgrounds are welcome—no marine biology prerequisites are necessary—as classes and research at Hopkins are designed to cross disciplines and focused on experiential learning. Our goal is for students to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in our infinite (and backyard) lab - the ocean. Reach out to our HMS Student Ambassadors with any questions you might have!

Graduate students

At Hopkins, graduate students working towards a PhD train under the supervision of Oceans Department faculty. They conduct research in areas from ocean science and whole-organism physiology to population biology, ecology and conservation. Each of our labs has its own perspective on science and approach to research; explore the exciting possibilities to figure out which one is right for you.